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Light the World

Last night, on the eve of December. I was lucky enough to spend the evening with 3 of my closest college friends from my Freshman hall. We created a mini Christmas party complete with cookies and Moscow Mules (virgins of course). The night was the perfect transitional event from fall to Christmas because TODAY IS DECEMBER 1st which means it is officially Christmas! Merry Christmas!!!!

That might be an unpopular opinion and perhaps the most controversial thing I've posted on this blog to date, but darn it all to heck I just don't care. I'm too excited. Jokes aside, Christmas truly has become a hot-bed for controversy over the last few years. It seems people are angered by the seemingly increasing commercialization of the holiday or they're angered that the Christmas season has become diluted by "happy holiday's" well-wishers, thereby desecrating Christmas (yikes). I, for one, love the Christmas/Holiday season! I am grateful that so many people seek to protect the greatness that comes with the holiday season, but I worry that the defense of Christmas itself might be removing the centrality of its greatness- love.

I've always thought the holidays bring out the best in people. Maybe I'm just lucky and haven't experienced the cynical scrooges of the world who only seek profits off the season, but that really seems exclusively out of Dicken's imagination to me. I truly think people are friendlier and more loving during the season. I love walking around bundled up in the winter weather and seeing the smiles on faces and friendly greetings of passerby's. And it's not just Christmas and the reminder of Christ that makes people so kind-hearted! Although I firmly believe there isn't a greater example than Jesus himself, it's important to acknowledge that goodness exists everywhere… Christians, Muslims, Atheists… everyone! Something about the season really pulls the love out of the hardest of hearts. There is so much darn good in the world and this is the time of the year when we really get to see it!

Such joy and love creates an atmosphere for another of my favorite reasons for the greatness of the season… that families come together! Some of my favorite family memories are of Christmas's. It's always a great time to spend with your family- of blood and of spirit. The spirit of giving is just as strong as is the genetic bond during the Christmas season.

The Christmas or Holiday season, whatever way you spin it, is all about love. Whoever you are, I hope we can agree on that. The love of the season is why I am SO excited about...

...the LDS Church's initiative, #LIGHTtheWORLD! This is the second year of the campaign, of which the goal is to refocus December on our Savior's loving example. Yes the initiative is about Christ and yes it is a Church sponsored one, but this isn't something that is reserved only for Mormons or Christians! The Light the World initiative is about bringing love to the world. Jesus is the perfect embodiment of love and he sets the example for how we should act. Everyday until, a biblical verse inspires an act of kindness. Today's scripture is: "Freely ye have received, freely give."—Matthew 10:8. Every day for the 25 days to Christmas, I challenge all of you to participate by doing an act of kindness inspired by Jesus' example!

Please watch the video above because you will get all the good feels and understand why I am so excited about this!! For info about the initiative, check out the links below.

I also created a cover photo for Facebook that you are welcome to download to get the word out there! Check it out below.

So, in summary, I love Christmas. You should too. Love is amazing. So is Light the World. Jesus rocks. You also rock. Thanks for reading this blog and not dying of information overload.

Thanks for being alive, the world needs you and your love.

With all my love,






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