Engaged After Only 6 Months of Dating?!

For those who may be unaware… I got engaged to the love of my life in August! Nick proposed after only 6 months of dating, although we like to fudge the numbers a little bit and call it 8 months (right around the time we told each other we liked the other). Our story seems like a short one, but in reality we've known each other for almost 10 years!
Nick hates this story because he claims "we weren't real people" 10 years ago, but I think it is just so cute. I emailed Nick back in middle school because of a mutual friend we both had. I had gone to elementary school with her and she was at the time in middle school with Nick. In my memory, she had a crush on Nick and asked me to email him for her in true middle school fashion. The result was a hilarious (and embarrassing) email relationship that continued for about 1.5 years. I always had a giant crush on the funny guy who had impressive taste in music and obsessed over baseball. He had a "girlfriend" of whom I was always copiously jealous. At any rate, a weird friendship blossomed over email.

^the first record of our contact!! totally embarrassing right?^

It wasn't until high school, that a real friendship developed. Nick transferred schools junior year and I immediately recognized the boy I had crushed so hard on in middle school. I wasn't sure if he remembered me or not, but I certainly remembered him! We were in choir together junior and senior year, but still didn't have many opportunities to interact. My best friend, Mikayla, was a church friend of his and through her, we reconnected. I won't lie. My middle school crush returned, but I had no illusions that we would ever date. After all, he was happily in a serious relationship, we practiced different religions, and he was preparing for a 2 year mission. He even said to me before we left, that he'd never probably see me again. (Definitely not the last time he'd be wrong, amirite? #comedy.)
Anyway, Nick did go on his mission (Twin Falls, Idaho mission!), but when he got back, he texted me to see if anything had come of the Book of Mormon he had gifted me (I think I was test subject for him pre-mission… jk. part of our friendship had been based on spiritual discussions). It hadn't. But at any rate, our friendship was resparked and we casually texted for a few months until it was clear… there was no other option. We would have to date. Okay I'm being dramatic. We hit a sticky point around December when we both announced our feelings for the other, but our distance and our different religions created difficulties. I'll save that story for another post. Of course in the end it worked out and less than a year later, we are engaged and planning a June 9th wedding! We cannot wait.
For all you romantics out there,